Best-in-class machine you’ll trust to perform
The highest throughout, maximum reliability, excellent product handling and so much more. All in one.
Discover our grading machinesElifab Grading Machine and Ellips Grading Technology
Extract the most value from every harvest by choosing the fastest, most reliable and most accurate grading machines around. Elifab engineering ensures maximum uptime, consistent quality and the highest throughput – regardless of the produce quality or customer demands.
The highest throughout, maximum reliability, excellent product handling and so much more. All in one.
Discover our grading machinesThe perfect size, color, weight external and internal quality – set the parameters that meet your customer’s needs with ease.
View our grading technologyWith True-AI, you’ll see your grading machine get smarter every day using global grading insight and data
Get smarter with True-AIFounded with Ellips in Spain in 2016, Elifab was created to meet the increasing world demand on grading machines that could handle small soft fruits. What started locally, has now grown to operate in more than 25 countries, installing grading machines into packhouses of every shape and size. Each time, we create solutions that seamlessly integrate the machine into the client’s facility and meet all their needs.
Find out more about ElifabWe’re here for you, in every way you need us to be. Our customer service team will train you and your team to maximise the capabilities of your machine and its software. Technical support are only one phone call away. Plus a local team is always nearby for repairs and operational services across mechanical, electrical or software.
Contact our service teamIncreased profitability, significant cost savings and minimal labor required. This is why Artificial Intelligence is changing the game for cherry growers and packers.
Explore articleNext level cherry grading. Delivering conistent quality, allocating shelf life and maximizing throughput were the biggest challenges.
Discover Customer StoryArtificial intelligence offers great opportunities to ensure superior quality at great speed. Discover the future of blueberry grading.
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